Today is the last day to submit your credit card warning label suggestions! While the last entries roll-in, let’s take a look at the warning labels entered so far:
- Warning: Credit cards may cause increased blood pressure, ulcers and heartburn.
- Warning: Not using credit cards can lower your credit scores.
- Warning: Excessive use of credit cards will lead to fancy and
impressive material possessions that will significantly increase your
comfort level and improve your overall lifestyle, making it all the
more bitter an experience when everything gets repossessed because
you’ve declared bankruptcy. - WARNING: Making minimum payments will last a lifetime.
- WARNING: A high credit limit does not mean you’re rich.
- WARNING: A credit card is not a winning lottery ticket.
- Warning: Credit card use may lead to financial disorientation and budget blindness.
- WARNING: A credit card is light but the debt is heavy.
- WARNING: Once you swipe – you can’t stop.
- WARNING: One swipe is all it takes.
Which warning label is your favorite? Share your vote or more ideas for warning labels in the comments section below. The person with the best warning label will win a free copy of the book Credit Cards, Credit Scores.